Patience and Gratitude: An Abridged Translation of Ibn al-Qayyim’s عدة الصابرين
This book is an abridged translation of ‘Uddat as-Saabireen wa Dhakhirat-ush-Shaakireen, a work which is well-known in the Arab world but which has been inaccessible to English-speaking Muslims until recently. In this book, the author explains the Islamic concept of sabr (patience, fortitude) and its counterpart, shukr (gratitude), in a practical fashion which shows how these important spiritual values may be incorporated into everyday life. Although written over six centuries ago, Ibn-ul-Qayyim’s words are still relevant, perhaps more so than ever, today.
Shaykh-ul-Islaam, al-Imaam Ibn-ul-Qayyim (d. 751 AH) was one of the greatest scholars of Islam, who lived in 8th century Damascus. He elucidated and defended the beliefs and methodology of the early Muslims (Salaf) in the face of persecution and imprisonment along with his more renowned teacher, Shaykh-ul-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah. Ibn-Qayyim’s works in various disciplines continue to offer unmatched gems of wisdom derived from the fountain of prophetic revealed knowledge.
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Additional information
Author | |
ISBN | 9781897940617 |
Original Title | عدة الصابرين وذخيرة الشاكرين |
Original Publication Year | 1350 |
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